Procedure for acknowledgment of certification from abroad
1. Identification number: 12
2. Code: 5
3. Title of service (life situation):
Description of the procedure for acknowledgment of certification from abroad
(Popis postupu k uznání zahraničního vzdělání – česky)
4. Background info for the service (life situation):
A graduate from a school abroad (hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”), who has obtained a document confirming that he has completed primary, secondary or post-secondary technical education (hereinafter referred to as “certification from abroad”), may request the Regional Authority that has jurisdiction over the Applicant’s place of residence to acknowledge this certification from abroad as valid in the Czech Republic. If the Applicant does not have a place of residence in the Czech Republic, the local jurisdiction of the regional authority is governed by the place of submission of the application.
After all the prerequisites have been fulfilled, the Regional Authority will issue:
certification of acknowledgment that the certification from abroad is equivalent to that issued in the Czech Republic in cases where the Czech Republic is bound on the basis of its international obligations to acknowledge the specific certification from abroad as equivalent to a document of education issued in the Czech Republic, or
a decision on acknowledgement that the certification from abroad is valid in the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the “validation”), if the Czech Republic is not bound by an international treaty to acknowledge the specific certification from abroad as equivalent to a document confirming education issued in the Czech Republic.
5. Who is entitled to deal with these matters (make an application etc.):
The Applicant or, if the Applicant is a minor, the Applicant’s legal guardian. The Applicant (his legal guardian) may choose an agent to represent him in the proceedings for acknowledgment of certification from abroad as valid in the Czech Republic. Authorisation for representation is demonstrated by a written power of attorney.
6. What are the conditions and procedures for resolution of life situation:
The proceedings for acknowledgment of certification from abroad as valid in the Czech Republic are initiated by submission of an application with appendices (see item 10) to the Regional Authority. Acceptance of the application is subject to payment of an administrative fee of CZK 3,000. The Regional Authority subsequently assesses whether or not the application and its appendices are complete.
If the certification from abroad is equivalent and if the application is complete, the Regional Authority issues certification to the Applicant.
In the event of validation, the Regional Authority assesses whether the application and its appendices are complete, and subsequently compares the content and scope of the education obtained at a school abroad to education according to a similar framework education programme in the Czech Republic. If the scope and content of education obtained in a school abroad differs significantly, the application is denied. If the scope and content of education obtained in a school abroad differs partially, or the Applicant fails to submit documents specified under item 10, letter b) and d), or any of the documents specified under letter a) and c) are lacking the requisite certification of the authenticity of signatures and stamp imprints (unless specified otherwise by an international treaty), the Regional Authority orders a validation examination. The Regional Authority will also deny a request for validation if the Applicants fails to pass the validation examination.
7. How to start resolution of a life situation:
On the basis of the Applicant’s written request for acknowledgement of equivalence or validation of certification from abroad, with attached documents. Acceptance of an application is subject to an administrative fee of CZK 3,000.
8. The institution that resolves the life situation:
The Regional Authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region
9. Where, when, and with whom will the life situation be resolved:
- Ing. Pavel Šveda, tel. +420 595 622 424, e‑mail
- Mgr. Michaela Černotová, tel. +420 595 622 348, e‑mail
- Bc. Ivana Řezníčková, DiS., tel. +420 595 622 411, e‑mail
- Ing. Marcela Janiurková, tel. +420 595 622 236, e‑mail
- Mgr. Dominika Slaminková, tel. +420 595 622 515, e‑mail
10. What documents you need to have with you:
The following documents must be attached to the application for acknowledgment of equivalence or validation of certification from abroad:
- the original of the certification from abroad or an officially certified copy,
- a document demonstrating the scope and content of the education completed in a school abroad,
- in the case of validation, a document confirming that the school is acknowledged as part of its education system by the state under whose legal system the certification from abroad was issued, unless this fact is clear from the certification from abroad,
- an officially certified translation of the documents specified under items a) to c) into the Czech language. In the case of documents prepared in the Slovak language, a translation into Czech is not required.
Unless an international treaty that is binding for the Czech Republic stipulates otherwise, the authenticity of signatures and stamp imprints on the originals of certification from abroad, and on the confirmation that the school is acknowledged by the state under whose legal system the certification from abroad was issued, must be certified by the appropriate representative office of the Czech Republic and also by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state under whose legal system the certification from abroad was issued, or a notary public active in such country.
11. What are the required forms and where are they available?:
An application for acknowledgment of equivalence or acknowledgement of validity of certification from abroad in the Czech Republic. The relevant application form is available here:
- Acknowledgment of certification from abroad – form (formát docx, velikost 48 kB)
- Acknowledgment of certification from abroad – form (formát pdf, velikost 301 kB)
12. Who are the other participants (affected) in the resolution of life situation?:
An administrative fee CZK of 3,000 is paid for acceptance of an application for acknowledgment of validity or the issue of a certificate of acknowledgment of the equivalence of a certificate confirming that primary, secondary or post-secondary technical education was completed at a school abroad. This administrative fee can be paid personally to the contact persons specified in item 9. You will be given the bank account number and variable symbol for the payment of the administrative fee by postal order or bank transfer after acceptance of the application.
13. What is the processing time?:
Certification of acknowledgment of the equivalence of certification from abroad is issued within 30 days of the date of receipt of an application. In the case of validation, the proceedings are governed by the deadlines stipulated by Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended.
14. Who are the other participants (affected individuals) in the proceedings for dealing with this life situation: None.
15. What other actions are required of the Applicant?: None.
16. Electronic services that can be used:
17. By which legislative procedure is the process governed?:
The provisions of Section 108 and Section 108a of Act No. 561/2004 Coll., on Pre-school, Basic, Secondary, Tertiary, Professional and Other Education (the Education Act), as amended, and Decree No. 12/2005 Coll., on the Conditions of Recognising the Equivalence and Validity of Certificates issued by Foreign Schools.
18. What are the related regulations?:
- Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended.
19. What are the appeal procedures and how are they applied?:
In compliance with the provisions of Section 81 of Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended, an appeal can be filed against a decision by means of the Regional Authority of the Moravian Silesian Region to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, within 15 days of delivery.
20. What sanctions can be applied for failure to comply with obligations?: None.
21. FAQs:
What is a validation examination?
A validation examination verifies that the Applicant’s knowledge and skills correspond to the goals and content of education according to the relevant education programme. Applicants who are not Czech citizens do not take the validation examination in the subject Czech language and literature. The validation examination is usually taken in the Czech language (in accordance with the provisions of Section 16, paragraph 3 of Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended. Anyone who declares that they do not understand the language in which the proceedings are held is entitled to a translator/interpreter registered in the list of translators, which the Applicant will arrange at his own expense.
22. More information: None
23. Information about the procedure (resolution of a life situation) can be found from other sources and in different formats: None
24. Related life situations and instructions on how to resolve them: None
25. The department responsible for the accuracy of the description: Regional Authority of the Moravian Silesian Region, Department of Education, Youth and Sports.
26. Contact person:
- Ing. Pavel Šveda, tel. +420 595 622 424, e‑mail
- Mgr. Michaela Černotová, tel. +420 595 622 348, e‑mail
- Bc. Ivana Řezníčková, DiS., tel. +420 595 622 411, e‑mail
- Ing. Marcela Janiurková, tel. +420 595 622 236, e‑mail
- Mgr. Dominika Slaminková, tel. +420 595 622 515, e‑mail
27. This description was processed according to the legal status on the day: 12/08/2021
28. This description was last updated on: 3/1/2025
29. Expiry date of description: None
30. For clarification and noted regarding resolution of a life situation: None
Office hours for the public:
Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm