Development and Innovation Strategy of the Moravian‑Silesian Region for 2019–2027
The Development Strategy of the Moravian‑Silesian Region for 2019–2027 (format pdf, size 20 MB) and Development and Innovation Strategy of the Moravian‑Silesian Region for 2019–2027 (formát pdf, velikost 714 kB) show the direction we want to go and the results we want to achieve. This vision represents an ambition motivating the widest possible cooperation to achieve common goals. To achieve them we need new energy as well as dreams that we can turn into reality. This Development Strategy is planned for 2019-2027. However, as some changes will only be visible many years down the line, 2030 represents one important milestone in the process of development of the region towards which our long-term vision is heading.
The two most important indicators for the successful implementation of the Development Strategy are stopping the drain of people from our region and improving regional image. The three main strategic directions of the region's development are:
- Business – companies in our region will belong to leaders in innovation and will be part of a global business
- People – quality of life will grow fastest and the region will offer excellent and unique services of European quality
- Environment – there will be healthy living environment in the region and clean air
We used to hear about the Moravian-Silesian Region that it is an unfortunate part of the country, where there is only hard work and where life is tough. That may have been the case in the past, but fortunately, it is different today. We are evolving from a region of heavy industry into an important technology centre. We pursue innovations, focus on research, we are becoming more entrepreneurial and keeping up with the times and developments. Now we hear that the Moravian‑Silesian Region is on a good track: we are taking concrete steps in the field of the environment, developing healthcare and social care, strengthening communities, and connecting generations. We focus on education and support culture, striving to make our region more attractive.
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Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm