Regional Symbols
Symbol of the Moravian-Silesian Region
Four-field coat of arms:

- A gold field with a Silesian eagle – the symbol of the historical silesian municipal classification of the largest part of the Region
- A blue field with a Moravian eagle – the symbol of the historical Moravian municipal classification of the smaller part of the Region
- A blue field with the symbol of Ostrava, capital city of the Moravian-Silesian Region – there is a rearing silver horse with a golden saddle and red blanket, on green grass with a golden red-centred rose and green foliage
- A separate field (derivation of the symbol of Těšín's princedom and the symbol of Opava's princedom): the left side is divided into red and white parts, half of which dislplays a golden eagle with red armour on the right side
The symbol of the Region was approved by the Region Assembly of the Moravian-Silesian Region on 28th March 2002 and officially handed over by the Chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic on 9th January 2003.
Logo of the Moravian-Silesian Region

The elements of the standard visual of the Region are the region's logo, the print creating the sign "Moravskoslezsky kraj" and blazonry.
The logo is composed of a hermetic shape, symbolizing the region as an independent entity, a symbol of a mountain with a transmitting tower, which is common for both Lysa hora and Praded (the highest peaks in the region), and a wavy symbol in the middle of the emblem that has more meanings – a river, a motorway and the path to prosperity. An integral part of the logo is the text creating the sign "Moravskoslezsky Kraj".
Application of logo
The logo of the region, the words "Moravskoslezsky kraj" and the blazonry are used:
- on graphics information systems inside the building of the Regional Authority
- on presentation materials and promotional objects
The text is compiled in several language alternatives:
- English (Moravian-Silesian Region)
- German (Mährisch-Schlesische Region)
- French (Region Moravie-Silesie)
- Russian (Моравско-Силезский край)
- Polish (Kraj Morawsko-Śląski)
- French (Regione Moravie-Silesie)
Protection against misuse
The logo of the region is protected by Act no. 137/1995 Sb., regarding trademarks, in versions of subsequent regulations, a trademark, which is registred into the register of the Industrial Property Office. The Moravian-Silesian Region becomes the exclusive holder by the registration of the trademark. Use of the logo and other parts of the standard visual of the region, without written agreement of the President's Office, i. e. without written agreement of the bearer, will be treated as a breach of usage and damage to it's rights resulting from the Act no. 137/1995 Sb., about trademarks, in the version of subsequent regulations and will dealt with accordingly.
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Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm