Cooperation in vocational training for European labour market (CIVEEL)

The project is co-financed from European Union funds through the ERASMUS+ programme
Operational programme
Project registration number
Description of the initial situation
The Moravian-Silesian Region and its partner region of Grand Est (formerly Lorraine) in France, and project partner of the Lublin Voivodeship, Poland, have agreed on the submission of a project application in the ERASMUS+ Programme, in order to support cooperation in vocational training for the European Labour Market.
Project objectives
The objective of the project was to establish a functional and sustainable network of institutions involved in the education and vocational training of secondary vocational school students, by including foreign internships in their practical training.
Project activities and outputs
Project activities were implemented on two levels. On the level of schools, cooperation was fostered among partner schools, in providing vocational training to students and implementing vocational internship exchanges for the students. The project’s added value, in addition to cooperation among schools, was cooperation in vocational training at the regional level.
Czech project partners:
- Moravian-Silesian Region
- Střední škola technická a dopravní, Ostrava – Vítkovice, p. o. (Ostrava – Vítkovice Secondary School of Technology and Transport)
- Masarykova střední škola zemědělská a Vyšší odborná škola Opava, p. o. (Opava Secondary School of Agriculture and Higher Vocational School)
- Hotelová škola, p. o. (Frenštát pod Radhoštěm Hotel School)
- Střední průmyslová škola chemická akademika Heyrovského, Ostrava, p. o. (Heyrovský Secondary School of Chemistry in Ostrava)
Project term
9/2017 – 8/2019
Project manager
Mgr. Michaela Mangelová
Department of European Projects
Tel. +420 595 622 726
Expert guarantor
Mgr. Zuzana Plačková
Department of Education, Youth, and Sports
Tel. +420 595 622 251
Total project expenditures
EUR 11,075
Of that EU subsidy: EUR 10,800
Project outputs
Handbook CIVEEL EN (format pdf, size 8 MB)
Promotional videos
Tato stránka je k dispozici také v češtině / This page is also available in Czech
Office hours for the public:
Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm