Health‑Care Facilities in our Region
- 6396 beds available in 17 hospitals
- 2 447 beds in specialised therapeutic institutions and therapeutic institutions for long-term patients

Hospitals in the Moravian-Silesian Region
Websites are in Czech only.
- Bílovec Hospital
- Bohumín Hospital
- University Hospital In Ostrava (Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava)
- Karviná Hornická Hospital (Karvinská hornická nemocnice)
- Odry Hospital (Městská nemocnice v Odrách)
- Ostrava City Hospital (Městská nemocnice Ostrava)
- Český Těšín Hospital (Nemocnice Český Těšín)
- Frýdek‑Místek Hospital (Nemocnice ve Frýdku‑Místku)
- Havířov Hospital and Clinic (Nemocnice s poliklinikou Havířov)
- Karviná-Ráj Hospital and Clinic (Nemocnice s poliklinikou Karviná-Ráj)
- Nový Jičín Hospital (Nemocnice Nový Jičín)
- Třinec-Podlesí Hospital (Nemocnice Třinec-Podlesí)
- Třinec Hospital (Nemocnice Třinec)
- Podhorská Hospital (Podhorská nemocnice)
- Associated Health Facility, Krnov (Sdružené zdravotnické zařízení Krnov)
- Slezská Hospital in Opava (Nemocnice v Opavě)
- Ostrava-Vítkovice Hospital (Nemocnice Ostrava-Vítkovice)
Medical first aid services
The medical first aid service provides necessary care for outpatients in case of sudden illness or deterioration in the health condition of a patient, which is not life-threatening, and does not require the immediate intervention of emergency rescue services. If there is a sudden illness or sudden change in the patient's condition at times outside the regular operation of GPs' surgeries and outpatient specialists, and they can not wait for an examination during normal office hours of a doctor or specialist, it is possible to seek help of the medical emergency services. However, it should be emphasized that the Medical First Aid Service is not intended for routine investigative or standard-treatment procedures, which may be obtained during the normal daily operation of medical providers. It is also not possible to exchange it for outpatient care which is performed by the relevant medical facilities during their specified office hours.
Payment for the medical first aid service:
From 1st of January 2008, a visit to the emergency room is charged at 90 CZK.
First aid services and dental procedures for adults and children are provided at these facilities:
- Frýdek‑Místek Hospital (Nemocnice ve Frýdku‑Místku)
- Třinec Hospital (Nemocnice Třinec)
- Havířov Hospital and Clinic (Nemocnice s poliklinikou Havířov)
- Karviná Hornická Hospital (Karvinská hornická nemocnice)
- Nový Jičín Hospital (Nemocnice Nový Jičín)
- Slezská Hospital in Opava (Nemocnice v Opavě)
- Ostrava City Hospital (Městská nemocnice Ostrava)
Emergency Medical Services

The Emergency Medical Service of the Moravian-Silesian Region (website in Czech) is a contributory organization, established by the Moravian-Silesian Region. Currently, it has the second largest amount of ambulances in the country. The Emergency Medical Service operates a helpline – tel.: 553 777 777, through which the operators conduct the following activities:
- provide recommendations to solve health issues, such as common illnesses and general health problems
- give specific information about health services in the Moravian-Silesian Region and their providers
- give advice on where to go when you need outpatient medical care, where the nearest accident & emergency department is located as well as the location of medical facilities, pharmacies and ambulance transport services. It is also possible to contact them via e‑mail:
Call the emergency line 155 or 112 if:
- you witness a serious situation, which is associated with risks to health.
- there is sudden deterioration in health.
- you're not quite sure how serious the state of the injured person is. You can also use the mobile application called Rescue
Office hours for the public:
Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm