Governor of the Region

Ing. Josef Bělica, Ph.D, MBA
Governor of the Region:
- represents the region externally
- tasks that require the approval of the Regional Assembly or Council may be carried out by the Governor only after their prior approval
- must be a citizen of the Czech Republic
- elected by the Regional Assembly and is responsible for the performance of his duties
Josef Bělica was born on 16 July 1978 in Havířov, where he lives with his family. With his wife Jana, he is raising three children. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava and also studied coaching at the Faculty of Education and Sport at Charles University. Sport has an important place in his life. For several years he was actively involved in karate; he was national champion several times and represented the Czech Republic in the discipline for ten years. To this day, he and his wife run a karate club in Havířov, which has nurtured hundreds of young athletes.
He entered politics in 2013 as a member of ANO 2011. Since 2014, he has been a member of the City Council of Havířov and was elected Havířov’s mayor in 2018. He was elected to the Moravian-Silesian Regional Assembly in 2016 and to the national Chamber of Deputies in 2017. He was elected governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region on 3 April 2024.
Moravian-Silesian Region
28. října 2771/117
702 00 Ostrava
tel: +420 595 622 173
fax:+420 595 622 129
Tato stránka je k dispozici také v češtině / This page is also available in Czech
Office hours for the public:
Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm