
Director of the Regional Authority

Ing. Tomáš Kotyza, MBA

Tomáš Kotyza – ředitel krajského úřadu

Ing. Tomáš Kotyza, MBA, born in 1969, is a prominent figure in the Czech public administration sphere. Since 2013, he has been the Director of the Regional Authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region, where he has held various management positions since 2001. In 1992-2000 he worked at Ostrava City Hall and at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.

In 2021, he was awarded the title 2020 Manager of the Year in Public Administration and was ranked amongst the top 10 managers in all categories. This award is a testament to his ability to effectively manage a public institution and implement cutting-edge approaches to management.

Under his leadership, the Regional Council has won several notable awards. The most prestigious of these is its clear win in the National Quality Award of the Czech Republic 2024.

Its goal is to create a modern and friendly institution that provides quality services to the public and efficiently manages the region's assets. He is convinced that the key to success for every manager is to have a clear strategy and to be able to motivate one's team to achieve their goals. His approach and results are a source of inspiration for other managers in public administration and beyond.

The remit of the Director of the Regional Council particularly includes:

Moravian-Silesian Region – Regional Authority
28. října 2771/117
702 00 Ostrava

Tel: +420 595 622 177
Fax: +420 595 622 196

Tato stránka je k dispozici také v češtině / This page is also available in Czech

Office hours for the public:

Monday, Wednesday: 8 am to 5 pm

Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am to 2.30 pm

Friday: 8 am to 1 pm